Although not as big as
the big sale hosted by the Friends of the Library of Hawaii, the Annual McKinley Booksale offers a handful of nice surprises for those who attend.
The sale is
June 22 through July 1, 2012, for a full nine days of book hunting and
crate digging.

Every year, thousands of books, CDs, DVDs, vinyl LPs and 7-inch singles fill the cafeteria at McKinley High, attracting thousands more people to the Honolulu school grounds on a mission for good stuff at affordable prices.
I take that back.
The LPs and 45s aren't actually in the cafeteria. The FLH put so much stuff out to sell that they need to pitch a huge tent outdoors.
That's where the records are.

The tent outside houses more books, records.

Inside the tent. See the vinyl along the back wall?

About to get my fingers dusty...
Even though the McKinley sale doesn't offer
oodles of vinyl like
this sale did, I know a few of my fellow diggers found some noteworthy titles at McKinley.
If you weren't there on Friday, June 22, that's probably because you aren't a member of the FLH or you couldn't justify spending $35 for a membership at the door.
But those who showed up were familiar faces—Oahu's most dedicated vinyl collectors (and dealers)—the people who flip through dozens (even hundreds) of records on a regular basis, looking for the next gem (or raer, if you prefer).
As the FLH Music Collection organizer Dennis Chun put it: the usual suspects.

The line outside, members only.

The usual suspects, digging in the bins.
Dennis Chun is the original co-founder of Hungry Ear Records. In 1980, Dennis and Luke Yamashiro opened what soon became one of Hawaii's most popular music stores. It still is, the original location in Kailua is a popular stop for anyone looking for used and new vinyl in Hawaii.
"Music back then was more romantic," Dennis said to me. "Not like Jawaiian or hip hop, the music now just doesn't have that same feel to it."
I agree, the music today appeals to a different audience. But I also think that almost all music created in Hawaii inherently captures the romance of our islands.
It's something you can't get away from when you're living in paradise.

Here's Hawaii: Living in paradise.

I'm always looking for Hawaiian LPs.
At the end of the day, it's a blessing to spend time with fellow music lovers at an event like this, talking records, comparing finds, and watching the crowd buzz about with books tucked under their arms because their handtrucks are packed full.
Good times.
(By the way, if I find something I already have, I'm the kind of collector who will gladly pass it on to a digger next to me. Unless, of course, I find something like this.)
When's the next big music sale?
Good question:
Spring 2013.
My advice? Like
FLH on Facebook, and you'll get the latest updates on the next big sale. Or you can ask Dennis to add you to the email list and he'll notify you when the next music sale happens.
You won't want to miss it.

Digging in Hawaii...
Check out my previous posts about the big music sale:
Honolulu Record Sale: Before the Storm
Inside the Hawaii Record Sale: More Photos
Mahalo Byrde, Dennis, and Mae of the Friends of the Library of Hawaii.