For Our Friends: A Disaster Relief Compilation


In response to the ongoing crisis in Los Angeles, we've curated a benefit compilation featuring 52 artists from Hawaii and around the world. Most tracks are previously unreleased — and several were recorded expressly for this project.

100% of proceeds will go to verified sources to relief efforts (see the Bandcamp release page for more details). 

This was a huge effort to organize and we're grateful for everyone's participation. Last Tuesday, we started contacting artists on the label, friends we've made at record shop, and musicians we've connected with in-person and online over the years. By Saturday, 52 artists submitted a song — some even recorded their submission just for this release.

The love and aloha and community we've felt so far has been so inspiring. We hope you enjoy this project and are able to add it to your Bandcamp collection today

Artwork by Unko Riley @unkoriley (Riley Nakamura). Artist Statement by Riley Nakamura:

"Sometimes, communities near and far are drawn together in the hardest of times. From Hawai‘i to California, our hearts glow red—heavy with sorrow, yet bound in love. This piece invites us into the warmth of unity, a refuge only we can create for ourselves. We hold fast to the backs of friends and family as if they were our own—Community as ONE."

All tracks donated by the artists for this release. Additional credits available on each individual song page.

Donations will be made to verified sources. Currently, we are referencing this publicly available spreadsheet to guide our decision: SUPPORT THE MUSIC COMMUNITY - Fire Loss + Resources >>

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