"Thank you so much to our loyal customers, friends, and family for waiting so patiently as we set up our new store. A lot of time and energy has gone into building our new home. We are very happy with what we have accomplished, and we hope that you will be too. Please join us on Saturday, July 7th as we celebrate the grand opening of our new store and open our doors to welcome back all our friends and family."

The new Harry's Music Store
Harry's Music Store is now in a brand new building (their previous location was at its last moments), and there's plenty of free parking at the new storefront. Plus, I think they are selling vinyl records at the new shop. I pulled up to Harry's at 5:30pm a week after July 7th. The store was closed, but I snapped a few photos of the interior and peered inside. I think I saw some vinyl in there, but I've yet to step inside the new location so I'm only 50% sure. „hat I saw could've been music books, but then again, it's pretty hard to mistake 12" x 12" shapes for anything but an LP. Has anyone been to the new Harry's Music Store location at 3270 Waialae Ave?