English translation of Aiko's "Fly With Me" and "Time Machine"


When I spoke with producer Dale Senaga on the phone earlier this year, he admitted he doesn't speak Japanese and thus wouldn't be able to provide an English translation for these songs. That's okay. With the help of a Japanese professor, Google translate, and a small working knowledge of the language, I was able to piece together a simple translation of "Fly With Me" and "Time Machine". By no means is this a true representation of how Aiko (or Yoko Takahashi, who penned the words to "Time Machine") intended the songs to be in English. This is merely a simple way for non-Japanese speakers to understand what the songs are about. There are subtle nuances of the language that can only be picked up by native or learned speakers, so we're lucky to have all the help we receive on these translations. For example, "みるうちに" is most likely short for "みるみるうちに", which means something like "in an instant" or "right before our very eyes". Or this: there was a popular thief known as "Nezumi Kozo", a.k.a. "The Rat Kid", who lived in the early 19th century and acted as a sort of Robin Hood figure, stealing from the rich and giving to the poor. If you have any suggestions or improvements for these translations, please leave a comment below. Both songs are available digitally on Spotify, iTunes, etc., and also on 7" vinyl. FLY WITH ME (Japanese and English lyrics) あー大空へ 二人飛んで 夢をつかもう Together we fly to the sky and catch a dream あーゆきすぎる To go too far わずらわしさ 小さなこと Little annoyances 悩みなんか みんな忘れて Forget all our troubles and 二人だけで 虹に 乗ろうよ Let’s ride a rainbow, just the two of us あーみるうちに In a moment 人や家が遠くなるよ People and houses will be far away あー鳥になる To become a bird 羽をひろげ 高く高く Spread these wings and go higher and higher 言葉なんか みんな忘れて Forget all the words and 二人だけで 虹に乗ろうよ Let’s ride a rainbow, just the two of us 飛ぼうよ Let’s fly... Fly with me あー消えてゆく All will disappear 何もかもが過去の世界 Everything is in the past world あー愛しあう We love each other 熱い心 それが全て Fully with passionate hearts 涙なんかみんな忘れて Forget all the tears and 二人だけで 虹に乗ろうよ Let’s ride a rainbow, just the two of us 飛ぼうよ Let’s fly... Fly with me ### TIME MACHINE (Japanese and English lyrics) もしも今生けるのが厭になったら If I do not want to live now 後向き 宙返り 遠いふるさと Spinning backwards, a distant hometown ああ タイムマシン ねずみ小僧に Time machine, Nezumi-kozo (a real life, Robin Hood-esque thief who lived in the Edo period) ああタイムマシン 変身したい Time machine, I want to transform しのび足  大義賊  金をばらまき With stealthy footsteps, master thief, make the money fly 世直しの人助け 気どってみたい Help the poor and set the world aright ああタイムマシン 夢の中だよ It’s a time machine, in our dream ああタイムマシン 何でも出来る In our time machine, we can do anything この腕に 宝物 握りしめたら If you clench your treasure on this arm やり直し もうー度 熱い人生 Redo a life of passion 泣き乍ら 暮してる 夜のちまたで We live our lives while crying in the night この世では無理なこと知っているけど I know that it is impossible in this world ああタイムマシン クレオパトラに Time Machine, Cleopatra ああタイムマシン 変身したい Time machine, I want to transform 男達 悩ませて 燃える 瞳で Tormented men with fire in their eyes 憧れ恋人をつかまえてみたい I want to catch a longing lover 流される 現実の時計を止めて By stopping the real clock that passes 穴だらけ大都会自中に泳ぎ Swimming freely in a big city full of holes ああタイムマシン恋をし乍ら Time machine, always being in love with someone ああタイムマシン思いのままに Time machine, as you wish ### ags-7005-aiko-back-crop-web If you have any suggestions or improvements for these translations, please leave a comment below.

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