Hawaiian Salt

Mixes Releases

Phew, I'm sorry people, I've been slacking! Hawaiian Salt officially dropped last week on 4/20 but I haven't had time to update the blog with (as promised) a free, fully tracked version of the mix until now.

Wait no further: Get Hawaiian Salt now via Bandcamp.

People with the CD (which comes as a free, promotional gift when you get the Fitted tee), however, have had time to send me photos of Hawaiian Salt in various places around the world. Check out the complete photo album here.
Downtown LA by Frank For Real Downtown LA by Frank For Real / @frankforreal
Williamsburg, Brooklyn by Alston Le Feelings Williamsburg, Brooklyn by Alston Le Feelings / @iwant45s
Fenway Park by @abidinganthony Fenway Park by Anthony Fariole / @abidinganthony
Waikiki Beach by Roger Bong Waikiki Beach by Roger Bong / @rogerbong
Malmö by Lasse Bång Malmö by Lasse Bång / @lassebong
Chao Phraya River by Joe Funko (@siamfunkorecords) Chao Phraya River by Joe Funko / @siamfunkorecords

Order the Hawaiian Salt CD and T-shirt

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