Cool Sound / Cool Hawaii Japanese Record Label
Aside from say, Mackey Feary's Black & White CD, there haven't been too many reissues of Hawaiian LPs in the U.S. (at least the kine I'm looking for). But do you remember what I said about those Japanese record enthusiasts? Needless to say, some of the best Hawaiian funk/soul/jazz has been re-released on CD via Japanese label Cool Sound, as well as its Cool Hawaii imprint.
It's hard for me to tell, but some of these reissues might not be available anymore. If they are, I'll gladly buy the whole lot the next time I visit Japan (whenever that is...). Most of the Cool Hawaii reissues were released in 2003-4, and there's been a few Cool Sound reissues of Hawaiian artists. Why am I blogging about this? I can't find a Cool Sound/Cool Hawaii discography available in English, and reading katakana is tedious for me, so I'll compile that list here:
Number :: Artist :: Album Title
COHI-1001 :: Ray Gooliak:: Home Away From Home
COHI-1002 :: Ray Gooliak :: Isle Say
COHI-1003 :: Tender Leaf :: S/T
COHI-1004 :: Mackey Feary & Nite Life :: S/T
COHI-1005 :: Mackey Feary :: Touch Sensitive
COHI-1006 :: Island Band :: I'm Your Capitan
COHI-1007 :: V/A :: Island Mellow 1, Hawaiian AOR Now & Then
COHI-1008 :: Lance Jyo :: Dreamwalking
COHI-1009 :: At Second Glance (V/A) :: At Second Glance + 2
COHI-1010 :: V/A :: Island Mellow 2, Hawaiian AOR Now & Then
COHI-1011 :: Toma/Natto :: Revisited
COHI-1012 :: Richard Natto :: Won't Take No For An Answer
COHI-1013 :: Toma/Natto :: 3XO/Third Time Around
COHI-1014 :: Richard Natto :: Richard's St.
COHI-1015 :: George Street :: Living On Daydreams
COHI-1016 :: George Street :: Magic Lady
COHI-1017 :: George Street :: Seasons
COHI-1018 :: Mike Lundy :: The Rhythm of Life
COHI-1019 :: Mike Lundy :: Inner Flame
COHI-1020 :: Maurice Bega :: 2 Hearts
COHI-1021 :: V/A :: Island Mellow 3, Hawaiian AOR Now & Then
COHI-1022 :: Audy Kimura :: Looking For "The Good Life"
COHI-1023 :: Audy Kimura :: A Gift Of Song
COHI-1024 :: Johnson Enos :: S/T
COOL SOUND (Hawaiian artists only)
COOL-114 :: Aura :: S/T
COOL-115 :: Nightwing :: Island Holiday
COOL-118 :: Music Magic :: S/T
COOL-119 :: Music Magic :: One Man Lady
Wow, I have only a few of these right now (bold). I need to hear more! I wonder why they stopped Cool Hawaii at 24 releases? And how much else is Cool Sound is hiding from us? Hmm...

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