Free Mixtape: 1x10x100 (Harry's Music Store)


One store, ten dollars, one hundred records.

That's what this free mixtape is all about. It's called 1x10x100, and you can download it here. No, you won't find any Hawaiian music on this release, because 1x10x100 sings to a different tune—it's an ode to Harry's Music Store and the soulful vinyl records that populated the shop's record bins.
1x10x100: Free LPs at Harry's Music Store 1x10x100: Free LPs at Harry's Music Store
In January 2012, Harry's humble music shop held a massive clearance sale. Vinyl LPs and 45s were practically free. Over the course of one weekend, I spent a total of $10 and scored nearly 100 records: soul, funk, disco, pop, jazz, fusion. I walked away enlightened by my experience, and I want you to hear what I found.
1x10x100: 45s at Harry's Music Store 1x10x100: 45s at Harry's Music Store
1x10x100 is a glimpse of the scores of soul music available in Hawaii music stores during the late 1970s and 1980s—and today. The mixtape gives record collectors who are digging in Hawaii a 60-minute slice of what they might find. 1x10x100 is a showcase not of Hawaiian music, but funky, groove-laden cuts from mainland groups that no doubt influenced a string of artists here in Honolulu (and thus generating local music like this). Plus, 1x10x100 is another excuse for me to share great music with you.

Download 1x10x100 now.

1x10x100: Harry's Music Store Mixtape Click the image above to download 1x10x100: Harry's Music Store Mixtape

Here's a sample of the mixtape (there's 17 tracks total):

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